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Want to Give Back?

Let's give kids in impoverished areas a free yoga mat and access to free weekly yoga classes to provide them with a healthy head start in life...starting here. 
When I went out and taught classes in the community and free classes in the parks I found out a lot of families who would like to sign up couldn't afford the classes.? The parents and children said... 

1) Yoga is for higher income families. 
2) Yoga is expensive.
3) We cannot even afford a yoga mat.

4) we can not find places that offer classes in our area

Here is a chance for us to give back
Let me say that again…

I bet you are asking " Is this really making a difference? "


I have been able to teach over 300 students now with no mats to use. How cool would it be to give a child their own mat to take home and use to show their family all they have learned?

I have also been able to share this with other teachers so they can use these tools in their classroom! If reaching kids at the level of the classroom when working parents couldn't get their child to a studio or a rec center wouldn't that be worth a donation? 

A donation of just $50 will give a child access to yoga for 6 months and a yoga mat.

Every little bit helps!!!

You can make a huge difference in the lives of children in Oregon & Washington, ( these are the two states I'm located near so I will work with children in these areas), help keep them healthy, and give them access to skills they need.

Will you help them?

Please make a donation so these children can continue to learn yoga and more children can join them. And if helping children is important to you, please share this with someone you love, and give them the opportunity to help a child succeed.

 When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life's challenges with a little more ease. Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that's noncompetitive.
Doing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with the inner self, and develop an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. Yoga brings that marvelous inner light that all children have to the surface.

I thank you for taking the time to visit. 

Donate Here


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